Children First Canada: National Youth Summit

Young people from across Canada will gather on November 21, 2017 and November 22, 2017 in Ottawa to consider the views from other young people from across the country, as well as connect with young leaders, leaders of children’s charities, corporations, government and the media. This will be a highly participatory experience that will result in young people finalizing and presenting the Children’s Charter. Nominations are now being accepted for this event.

The Laidlaw Foundation: Grantee Learning Forum

The Laidlaw Foundation presents its Grantee Learning Forum. A day of kills exchange, opportunities to address issues of the day and network building for young advocates, community organizers and allies. The full-day event will take place on October 27, 2017. Details here

PREVnet’s 9th Annual Conference

PREVnet’s 9th Annual Conference will take place November 15th-17th, 2017 in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. Canadians will join PREVNet's expert researchers, youth-serving organizations, practitioners and educators to promote the wellbeing of children.

Venue, agenda and workshops will posted on the official website soon

Linking for Healthy Communities 2017 Provincial Conference

Registration is now open for HC Link’s 2017 Provincial Conference. The conference is being held at the BMO Institute for Learning in Toronto on November 20th and 21st. Linking for Healthy Communities 2017 will be a safe, open space for curiosity, self-reflection and conversation about how to work across difference to build more inclusive communities. Sessions will cover equity, diversity, cultural humility, inclusion and allyship, with a focus on youth, ethnoracial, Francophone, and Indigenous communities.