Research centres – US
Annie E. Casey Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation’s mission is to foster public policies, improve human services, and community supports that meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families. Website links to publications about child welfare, education and youth development.
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment Annie E. Casey Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation’s mission is to foster public policies, improve human services, and community supports that meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families. Website links to publications about child welfare, education and youth development.
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment CSCCE is part of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at University of California, Berkeley. Through research, policy analysis and policy development, CSCCE focuses on issues relating to the teachers and providers working in center-based and home-based early care and education settings.
Child Trends Child Trends is dedicated to improving the lives of children and families by providing research and data to inform decision-making that affects children. It is a non-profit, non-partisan research organization that studies children, youth, and families through research, data collection, and data analysis. Website links to projects and products, news releases, publications, and latest research.
Foundation for Child Development Foundation for Child Development is a national philanthropy dedicated to the well-being of children. Website links to research on child development, child poverty, children’s health issues, government and child care, and other child-related issues.
Frank Porter Child Development Centre, University of North Carolina Frank Porter Child Development Centre is dedicated to improving the lives of young children and their families through research, teaching, and public service. Its research and education activities focus on child development and health, especially factors that may put children at risk for developmental problems. Research regarding relevant issues for children and families; teaching and technical assistance activities prepare professionals to serve children and families effectively; public service activities translate and spread knowledge to families, practitioners, and policy makers. Website provides links to on-line publications.
Institute for Child and Family Policy, Columbia University The mission of the Institute is to identify and address fundamental and intractable problems in the formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of social policies toward children, youth, and families. Provides noteworthy reports and studies on ECEC policies using a developmental perspective and an international-comparative perspective.
Linking Economic Development and Child Care Research Project This site from Cornell University provides a database of economic impact studies and includes research reports, copies of state studies, advice on economic analysis, and profiles of new approaches to child care policy.
Mathematica Policy Research Inc. Mathematica studies various social policy issues such as health care, welfare, education, employment, nutrition, and early childhood policies and programs in the United States. Website links to publications and research.
National Academies (includes the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council) The National Academies conduct research on the scientific issues that frequently pervade policy decisions, including issues in childhood development and the importance of child care. Website links to note worthy publication “From Neurons to Neighbourhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development” and other interesting publications.
National Center for Children and Families, Columbia University The National Center for Children and Families advances the policy, education, and development of children and their families. Housed at Teachers College, Columbia University, the Center offers research-based approaches to contemporary social and public problems affecting underserved children and families.
National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University NCCP indentifies and promotes strategies that prevent child poverty in the United States and that improve the lives of low-income children and families. Website links to resources on statistical research, on-line journals and developmental studies regarding children.
National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University NIEER supports early childhood education initiatives by providing objective, nonpartisan information based on research. Its goal is to produce and communicate the knowledge base required to ensure that every American child can receive a good education at ages three and four. A variety of useful resources for research is available, include working papers, newsletters, publications, state databank and more.
National Institute on Out-of-School Time, Wellesley College NIOST’s mission is to ensure that all children, youth, and families have access to high quality programs, activities, and opportunities during non-school hours. Website links to research, evaluation and consultation, policy development and public awareness, training and curriculum development.
NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development Comprehensive longitudinal study initiated by The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in 1989 to answer questions regarding the relationship between child care experiences and children’s developmental outcomes.
Sloan Work and Family Research Network The Sloan Work and Family Research Network at Boston College is designed to support research and teaching, promote best practices at the workplace, and inform policy on issues that affect the lives of working families and the places where they work. This site features a literature database, and some online publications.
Society for Research in Child Development SRCD is an organization that identifies and collects research on the formulation of policy affecting children and families. Website links to the periodical, Social Policy Report.
Urban Institute The Urban Institute is a non-partisan economic and social policy research with a variety of focuses such as community building, social welfare, federalism, economics and social policy. Includes research on education, child care and other children’s issues. Website provides research and publications on child care and child welfare. Contains valuable reports for those interested in social policy.