2025 Pre-budget Consultation Submission

  • The creation of sustained mechanisms for consultation and engagement with the children and youth sector.
  • Provide permanent and secure funding for youth employment and skills development.
  • Provide NACY with $500,000 over 3 years to launch a pilot program to map the children and youth sector

Creating Opportunities for Youth Employment 

Submission to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities: Canada Summer Jobs

Read Our Submission


2024 Pre-Budget Consultation Submission

List of Recommendations

  1. In consultation with the children and youth serving sector, ensure funding is accessible and sustainable
  2. That the government invest $5 million over four years to map the children and youth sector and $1 million annually for this purpose.

Read our Full Submission


2023 Pre-Budget Consultation Submission


List of Recommendations

  1. That the government create sustained mechanisms for consultation and engagement with the children and youth sector.
  2. That the government invest $10 million over 4 years for a national Mapping the Sector project focused on collecting data that identifies the reach and impact of the children and youth-serving sector.

Read the full Submission


Joint Statement from Members of the Children and Youth Mental Health Sector and its Stakeholders


We, as members of the child and youth mental health sector and its stakeholders, call upon the federal government to invest in the mental health of youth and the front-line workers who support them – and continue to invest in mental health at  COVID-19 funding levels. This should include, clear equity targets to ensure youth are not being left behind:

  • Progress towards ensuring every youth can access evidence-based, culturally safe and responsive community-based mental health programs, including health promotion and mental illness prevention programs, early intervention programs, peer support, self-guided mental health skills building, and social and emotional learning. This access must be free, timely, high-quality, and equitably available.
  • Funding to organizations for front-line staff working with children and youth to access Mental Health First Aid Training so staff can better support the mental health of youth in their programs.
  • Prioritize the roll out of the Community Services Recovery Fund (CSRF) and consider further funding within this program to support the mental health of the child and youth workforce, including providing livable wages and benefits, peer support program, and access to formal mental health services with a focus on evidence-based supports.
  • Continue to support virtual care and service providers who can help to fill gaps in the system – when there are wait lists, between appointments, and in parts of the country where there are no community services.

Read the Full Statement


NACY 2021 Policy Recommendations


To build the capacity of the children and youth serving sector to work with community to create safe spaces for young people to thrive, we are calling for the Federal Government to:

  • Ensure meaningful engagement with the children and youth sector
  • To invest in youth-serving organizations, we so can incest in youth
  • To shift the narrative around funding
  • To increase capacity for mental health support for children and youth.


Read our detailed report: NACY 2021 Policy Recommendations.