Child care organizations – US
Center for the Child Care Workforce CCW’s mission is to improve the quality of child care services by upgrading the wages, benefits, training opportunities and working conditions for child care teachers and family child care providers. Website contains online reports and studies, workforce initiatives, and links.
Child Care Law Center Center for the Child Care Workforce CCW’s mission is to improve the quality of child care services by upgrading the wages, benefits, training opportunities and working conditions for child care teachers and family child care providers. Website contains online reports and studies, workforce initiatives, and links.
Child Care Law Center The Child Care Law Center (CCLC) is a national nonprofit legal services organization that uses legal tools to make high quality, affordable child care available to every child, every family, and every community. They are the only organization in the US devoted exclusively to the complex legal issues that affect child care. Their work encompasses public benefits, civil rights, housing, economic development, regulation and licensing, and land use.
National Afterschool Association NAA’s mission is to build a profession that develops, supports and promotes quality after-school programs for children and youth. Provides links to publications concerning standards, quality and accessibility of school-age child care.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Nation’s largest organization of early childhood educators and others dedicated to improving the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade. Links to the “Early Childhood Research Quarterly” and “Young Children”. Position statements, annual conference details and other NAEYC resources available
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies NACCRA’s mission is to provide vision, leadership, and support to community child care resource and referral and to promote national policies and partnerships committed to the development and learning of all children. Website provides information on projects, publications, policy symposiums, professional development training and other child care initiatives.
National Head Start Association NHSA provides a national forum for the continued enhancement of Head Start services for poor children ages 0 through 5, and their families. It sponsors various campaigns as well as research and projects oriented towards serving this community.