National Strategy Session


The Strategy Session for Creating a National Agenda for Children and Youth in Canada will be the final activity of the Taking Stock project, an initiative of the National Alliance for Children and Youth which was funded by the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program. The need for the Strategy Session was identified by the project through a series of “Think Tank” consultations held across the country, case studies, and key informant interviews. These findings are summarized in the following Taking Stock background papers:

The Strategy Session for Creating a National Agenda for Children and Youth in Canada will be the final activity of the Taking Stock project, an initiative of the National Alliance for Children and Youth which was funded by the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program. The need for the Strategy Session was identified by the project through a series of “Think Tank” consultations held across the country, case studies, and key informant interviews. These findings are summarized in the following Taking Stock background papers:

Taking Stock Key Findings (2012)

Backgrounder: The Need for a Unified Voice on Policy (2012)

A Report following the National Strategy Session was put together to summarize the key messages arising from the meeting: Creating a National Agenda for Children and Youth (2012)

Following are examples of policy agendas, frameworks, statements, and other publications that you may find of interest as references and background reading. Investing in Children and Youth – A National Children’s Agenda (1998)

National Children’s Alliance The Health of Canada’s Children – A CICH Profile (2000)

Canadian Institute for Child Health Youth Policy Framework (2000)

British Columbia Ministry for Children and Families Towards a Children’s Agenda for Europe & Central Asia (2001)

Save the Children UK, UNICEF, and European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary A Canada Fit for Children (2004)

Government of Canada The Progress of Canada’s Children and Youth (2006)

Canadian Council on Social Development A Policy Framework for Middle Childhood (2007)

National Children’s Alliance Children – The Silenced Citizens (2007)

Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights Youth Policy – What Works and What Doesn’t (2008)

United Way Toronto London’s Child and Youth Agenda (2008)

London Child and Youth Network National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children (2009)

Council of Australian Governments An Agenda for Youth Engagement (2009)

Minister for Young Citizens and Youth Engagement, UK United Ways of Ontario – Youth Policy Outcomes Strategy (2009)

United Ways of Ontario / Youth Venture Canada Ottawa Children and Youth Agenda (2009)

City of Ottawa / United Way Centraide Ottawa New Ways to Keep Up Our End of the Policy Conversation (2010)

The Philanthropist, Volume 23 #2 7 Key Issues Affecting Children and Youth (2011)

National Alliance for Children and Youth The Philanthropist, Volume 23 #4 (2011)

This issue discusses public policy and how various parts of the charitable and not-for-profit sector participate in public policy making – and how it should be done.  It is an area in which the sector has generally failed to have substantial and sustained influence.  Of particular interest are the following:       Public Policy and the Nonprofit Sector (Susan Carter)       Can Public Policy Advocacy by Taught? Or Learned? (Sean Moore)       Method Matters: How to Avoid Common Public Policy Traps (Elizabeth Mulholland) Saskatchewan’s Children and Youth Agenda (2011)

Government of Saskatchewan Cabinet Committee on Children and Youth Does Canada Work for All Generations? (2011) Human Early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia Early Years Study 3 (2011)

The Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation CPS Status Report (2012)

Canadian Paediatric Society Youth Unemployment in Canada (2012)

National Alliance for Children and Youth Assessing Canadian Family Policy to Assess Developmental Health in the Near Term: A Canadian Assessment Tool, with an assessment of the four Western Provinces (2012) 

Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan Human Early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia