NACY will have its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 1:00 -3:00 pm EST.  

OACYC 2017 Provincial Conference

In partnership, the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care and Humber College’s School of Community and Social Services are hosting this two-day provincial conference entitled The Journey on May 31st – June 2nd. It will offer CYCPs and other professionals an opportunity to come together, engage and explore, share expertise and experiences, and enhance knowledge regarding Child and Youth Care Practice methods and models.

The 14th Annual Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development

The Summer Institute is an annual collaboration between the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College and the Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. The Institute strives to offer timely information to inform research, policy and practice. This year's institute seeks to address Inequity in Canada through Early Childhood Education. The event will take place June 2nd in Toronto, Ontario.

The UBC Summer Institute: Supporting Aboriginal Families of Young Children with Disabilities

The 2017 IECER Summer Institute will bring together ECED students, ECE & IDSC professionals, and others interested in early childhood and infant development, to explore the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Recommendations as Canada begins to celebrate 150 Years. You can register by May 26th. The event will take place July 8-15th at UBC Vancouver and off-campus.