Health Nexus Sante presents
Physical Activity and Early Childhood Online Training Module Testing

The Best Start Resource Centre is seeking individuals to review 2 online training modules related to physical activity for children 0-6.

The modules should take approximately an hour to complete followed by a 20 minute survey. Individuals who complete the field test will receive a $25 gift card. The field test will take place November 8-18, 2016.

Health Nexus Sante presents
Physical Activity and Early Childhood Online Training Module Testing

The Best Start Resource Centre is seeking individuals to review 2 online training modules related to physical activity for children 0-6.

The modules should take approximately an hour to complete followed by a 20 minute survey. Individuals who complete the field test will receive a $25 gift card. The field test will take place November 8-18, 2016.

Email Kristin at